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 Hostess Starter Kits

Established Independent Scentsy Consultants have the ability to offer a discounted Hostess Kit.

This kit is a smaller version of the basic kit which is always available and can offer you the opportunity to join Scentsy for just over half of the normal amount required.
Every consultant when placing a qualifying order is able to claim the appropriate Hostess Rewards on that party which is 2, 3, 4 or 5 1/2PRICE ITEMS and 10% or 15% of the total sales in FREE PRODUCT.
 We use the Free product part of these hostess rewards to offer you this fantastic opportunity to you to join for much less than it would normally cost. £50.00!
We already know what a brilliant business this is, and it really does feel so good to be able to offer this to you as well.
This opportunity could change your life...if you are prepared to work it a little, be consistent and be prepared to listen to the guidance and support you will get from others , including myself who all started this journey and successfully grew their own Independent Scentsy Consultant Businesses.
We dont ask you to figure it all out on your own...we are there to help you each step of the way.
We have all the tools and training you will ever need to help you be successful at this...if you have the inclination to listen and follow our steps.
 No one will make you do anything you dont want to do, but we will recommend actions for you to take on a daily basis that will help you grow and flourish.
Many consultants have given up full time employment and concentrate fully on their Scentsy Business, while other consultant's partners and spouses have also given up full time employment to help . The potential for you to be successful is only limited to your own determination and commitment to succeed

What's in the Hostess Kit?

To get the Host Exclusive Starter Kit you need to contact me direct.

Easiest way to do that is call me . I need your name address, telephone number and email address. Also your payment for £50, which can be bank transfer, Paypal or card details. I then submit all this information to Scentsy who will then send you an email asking you to confirm that you would like to Join Scentsy. Once you have confirmed that, Scentsy will send you a Starter Kit that includes everything you need to start your Scentsy business. You will also receive instructions on how to access your free Workstation for training and marketing materials and how to navigate your Website .

Your Starter Kit includes everything you need to hold your first party and launch a successful Scentsy business, including catalogues and other business materials, demonstration products, and a full set of scent testers, and should be with you within 5 days.
 As soon as you have joined I will add you to our 2 support teams , send you an information pack and then contact you,,,usually by phone to see how we can work together to get your business up and running in the most suitable way.
 Thats it.. very simple easy and painless... and could be one of the best things you ever do!



Is Scentsy For You?


You have taken that all important first step, by choosing to read this, so let me make sure you have the information you will need to ensure that Scentsy is the correct Business for you! Scentsy provides an amazing opportunity to launch your own Candle Business with rapid growth opportunities. When you join Scentsy and become an Independent Consultant, opportunity is yours to discover!


You may be looking for a Full time job you can work from home,  a part time job you can do on evenings and weekends or just a little extra cash so you can make that car payment, its up to you and you can succeed at any of these! Pick your own work hours, choose your own dress code - mine usually consists of something Purple!


You will meet and create new friendships all along the way... There are many different reasons Consultants choose to sign up, to sell Scentsy from home... the best part about it is that no matter the reason, you instantly belong to a whole new Family, your Scentsy Family!


Some may worry that there are already too many Consultants in their area and wonder if they would be able to drum up business. It is crucial to remember that... it’s not who you know, it’s who your customers know and who your friends or co-workers know. Every time you go to a Scentsy party, you will meet new people. Think of all those new people and the people they know. Trust me , Scentsy is like the best smelling virus around. It will spread itself and you just need to make yourself available to expose it to more and more people.


If you asked every person at your parties to take 3 minutes and write down the names of 20 people that they think would LOVE Scentsy, look how many new people you could work with, that will most likely turn into customers, hosts or team mates!!!  For £85 GBP (plus shipping) why not give it a try, put some effort into selling Scentsy and who knows where it will lead you? Think of it this way - If you have ever bought yourself a new pair of leather boots, you probably spent more on the boots than the cost of your Starter Kit. Trust me, it was THE BEST £85 (plus shipping £6.00) investment I EVER made!


When you sign up to sell Scentsy you will be an independent business owner. You now have the flexibility to keep your own hours, work from home, or if you are like me and most women that are MASTER multi-taskers - work from your car, doing the shopping, taking the kids to school, at the Hairdresser - you get the point! You can work as little or as much as you want, and earn fabulous rewards and incentive trips. Earn enough to take a guest with you (FREE). There trips are completely free and I earned mine by doing something I love to do anyhow which is SHARE SCENTSY with everyone I could!


As a Consultant you start on a commission level of 20% of your sales. Once you have sold £1000 worth of products you get a raise of 5%. You may also receive leadership bonuses of up to 9% on the entire downline volume of the Scentsy Consultants that sign up under you, if you decide to recruit.


People can and DO make a lot of money selling Scentsy!


Still not sure? Let me send you a no obligation, no pressure Information Pack which will include all the information you require to make an informed decision whether Scentsy would be right for you

                                   Contact Me Today!


Warning - Scentsy is Highly Addictive!

If you have any questions, would like to place an order or request a free INFORMATION PACK FOR JOINING

Click the button below to contact us 

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