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How many Independent Scentsy Consultants are each Country?

Many people believe that Scentsy Consultants are everywhere!

And if they joined...which they would love to do....because they love the products and know way too many people who love and use it too... they might not have much success because of the sheer number of Scentsy Consultants already out there! Is that you?

If it is let me give you some figures which have just been released and see if you still feel the same...

Country Population No of Active Scentsy Consultants

POLAND - Over 38M

AUSTRIA - Over 8.5M

SPAIN - Over 48M

FRANCE - Over 86M

GERMANY - Over 81M

IRELAND - Over 4.5M



in all of Europe

I reckon that those 3000 consultants have to service over 570 Million people just in Europe alone! If you were to be fair and say that maybe only a quarter of these people would use or consider using Scentsy...that is still an average of 47000 potential customers per consultant!

Then take into account that many Independent Scentsy Consultants DON'T work their businesses! Instead they only buy once every 3 months, products for their own use and maybe some family members or friends.....the potential is HUGE!!!

Do you work in a large department store, or factory? Maybe a school or a hospital? Anywhere with a large workforce would give you a massive advantage for getting sales. You would be the Go-To Person for all their Scentsy Needs.

There are 80,000 people who work in The Empire State Building...Imagine how much sales you could amass from that one place!

In the United States there are 90,000 Scentsy Consultants servicing a population of over 324 Million in people!

In Canada 15,000 Scentsy Consultants provide Scentsy Products for over 35 million inhabitants.

Australian and New Zealand Independent Scentsy Consultants , 6000 of them, struggle to keep up with demand from over 28.5 Million of a population.

So with a total number WORLDWIDE of only 100,000- 130, is it everywhere? We need more consultants! What's stopping you??

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