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How to Join Scentsy UK & Europe

It's so so easy to Join Scentsy! No matter where you live, Scotland, England, Wales or Ireland...from Inverness to Cornwall , from Edinburgh to Cardiff and everywhere in pick an independent scentsy consultant and either reach out to them for more information ... or join under them so that they become your sponsor! Sponsors can be from any of the countries that we currently trade in like Holland, Germany, France, Spain Ireland or Austria and we can also have team mates join us from USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand

Once you have decided who would be a good sponsor for you* then all you have to do is click JOIN on their Scentsy Website and then fill in your details (Name, Address, contact no etc*) Your National Insurance or Passport no ( to verify which country would be your home market! ) and then pay for the kit* ...thats it! ...super easy , no navigating through screeds of documents, no background or security checks ... within 2 minutes you can be an Independant Scentsy Consultant and have your own business up and running ...just like that!

If you wanted to join my team you would click HERE now

Did you notice the couple of *****? Some special things for you to consider.... A "Good " Sponsor..... This is important! Once you have signed up you cant change your sponsor ( well you can but you have to go inactive for 6 months to change ) You need to do your homework first. Its okay to join under your best pal, but if she doesn't know that much ...will she be able to help you? Does your sponsor work full time or have a really hectic social life? Will she be around when you need help? Does your sponsor have a a huge team of hundreds or even thousands? Will they be too busy to keep you informed and have the time to ensure that you are getting the best start available ...or will they be one of the team leaders who push you into hitting sales goals so that they get those amazing Incentive trips? These are some of the questions you need to find the answers to, decide what you want then choose your sponsor from the short list

Next *? You need a name for your business when you sign up It will be what people search on Google for. This will be your brand name so again choose wisely! Something that is easy to remember and easy to spell so people can find you. Something fun possibly quirky or even something that relates to you! The Last * is about which kit you are going to choose . whether its the full kit with everything you could possibly need, or the £24 kit or even a hostess kit , feel free to reach out and discover what is in each kit before you sign up.



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