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Join Scentsy UK in August

For those of you who are looking to join Scentsy this can choose from 2 Starter Kits!

The Scentsy Starter Kit is £85 plus £9 shipping and contains everything you need to start your very own Scentsy Business.

Scentsy UK Starter Kit August 2017

Valued at over £230 this makes sense whether you want to be a kitnapper or aim for the stars! Many people join just to save money on 2 warmers and a lot of wax! Others just sell to their family and friends. Lots of Scentsy Independent Consultants make a good wage from promoting and selling Scentsy and some make a lot of income every month by selling and building a team.

Whatever your reason is, Scentsy is an amazing product and is becoming more and more popular...especially with the incredible new products that are coming to the UK and European market on 1st Scentsy Go and Scentsy Mini plug in warmers!

Or choose the Enhanced Starter kit this month which contains and Entice Scentsy Diffuser for £181!

This kit is valued at @ £498!

Both kits contains Super sized transition sets which contain all the current testers ...and all the new ones being released on 1st September, as well as old and new product sheets and Catalogues!

Scentsy Enhanced Starter Kit August 2017

If you would like more information please request an Information pack here

If you have read enough and are ready to will take about 5 mins to complete your payment and details so just click HERE to get started. I'll see you at the other end and help you get organised set up and started. Speak to you soon xx


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If you have any questions, would like to place an order or request a free INFORMATION PACK FOR JOINING

Click the button below to contact us 

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