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Want to Know How to Get Cheap Scentsy?

Are you a Savvy Shopper? Have you been looking to buy a Scentsy Warmer and maybe some of the newest wax melts released for Spring Summer 2017?

Well there is a way to get all the stuff in the picture below for a fraction of the cost!

Then have a think about buying the Scentsy Starter Kit! Save money! There is no obligation at all to buy anything more after you have bought your starter kit (but you would make 20 - 39% commission on all your sales) For the £94 you would get all the contents of the picture below. Yours to use, give away or sell!

( Anything you don't want put it on Ebay or gumtree! Like the catalogues, moulds, product sheets and the bag...there will be a working consultant who will buy these!)

By buying the starter kit you will get

2 lovely warmers ( current ones are Etched Core and Etched Copper ),value £84,

3 bars of wax value £18,

A buddy Clip, Value £18.25, a Car Bar, value £7.25

That's a total of £128 if you were to buy them individually!!!

Plus you get all the current testers which contain about 2 cubes of wax... I reckon your supply should last about 522 days at least! Value @£130

You then have the Catalogues, Product Sheets, Sample Moulds and the Shopper Tote Bag to sell as well! That has to be about another £50 to £60 there alone!

Ready to get your cheap Scentsy? Click Here

Once you get your kit, have a think about the people you know who either already use Scentsy or would love it if they tried it! Do you think that you could place an order every 3 months for £245?

That is the only requirement to being a Scentsy Consultant!

From that one order you would make a commission of £49. Plus get Free Product to the value of £24.50 and one item half priced!

Once you have sold £1000 of products your commission on that £245 order would be @£67 as well as free and half priced items for yourself, as gifts or to sell on

If you think that this could be something you would be interested in then please request a free no obligation Information pack or give me a call on 07972764886


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